Thursday, June 02, 2005


Today's topic is about my class' 1E04 entertainers. Namely: HL, Justin, Erm... still got who ah? Gimme suggestions please. In the meanwhile, as I said that these two are the main entertainers in our class. Without them, class would be like the movie 'Day after tommorrow' How cold and lost are we? Oh well, their existence is very important, like life needs water, so does soul needs humour.

Guess the class greatly appreciates you guys in our mist. Reaching out to people using humour isn't an easy thing to do. Just like anaylzing and formulating an ingredient, there must be precise and perfect calulations for it.

I have similar friends who uses such techniques to relate to people. Examples are like Akira Lim (my rugby teamate in sas) and my ex-classmate (Augustine Lim) Wow, both are Lim if you realised it. They are specialised cock talkers and humour experts.

These people in the society will have great social lives and great interaction abilities. After all, the soul really needs a tick of humour to keep it lively and workable. In other words, their PaMaPi(boot licking) techniques are at professional levels too and they can really make life exciting.

Lol, these things are based on normative ideas. If such people does not have good certificates, they can forget about entering Strategic Management or even Tactical or Operational Management. Maybe can go into Clerical and floor workers management category? Clerical sounds awesome isn't it? Well, acutally its just a professional name for clerk or cleaner. All the best to you guys out there, do well, score well and talk well.

(ZzZz... like writing special review about entertainers, personally, I really like entertainers lolx...I dont entertain though, failure at it wahaha) ^^ Cheers, readers!


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