Friday, July 21, 2006


The Composition of Legacy Creation, The Day of Full-Stop Is Written Is When You Stop Constructing New Sentences To Write. There Is No Word Limit, There Is Little Punctuation Marks, There Is No Vocabulary & There Is No Description. What Is It?

Its Your LIFE! The Moment You Stop History Making Is The Day You Will Look Back To Your Achievements & Finding It Memorable. Its When You Retire From Accomplishing New Goals.

Your Life Has No Word Limit; You Can Keep Writing and Creating New Experiences Everyday of Your Life!

The Punctuation Marks Come By When You Face Certain Things Like The Question Mark (?), Its When You Are Confused, The Exclamation mark(!), Its When You Are Astonished. However, The Moment You Type a Full-Stop Is When You Stop Constructing New Legacy.

What Vocabulary Is Needed When You Keep Using, Lah, Leh, Loh In Your Life? Lolx!!!

Most of What One Experienced Could Not Be Described Easily Because There Are Things Such As Feelings Beyond Description. Its Simply Indescribable.

Occasionally I'll think about these and look back at things and ponder. Its self-reflection, I guess we all does these kind of thinking all the time. However, those who are confused and have no heading, dont worry, you should set yourselves a goal to head towards. No matter how big or small, you guys have to accomplish them. For little successes leads to larger success. Most of what I typed are called the self-actualization stage where one had fulfilled all his or her basic needs. Its one of the highest level of fuifillment. Such examples are like:

Ever wonder what your purpose on earth is? What am I here for? Why was I created, or evoluted into such? What is beyond death? Etc... and so on. Well, some things cant be answer, while others can. Its up to our belief system. Think about it. Haha...

p.s Dont bother about this freak trying to act wise. He could be speaking nonsense psychoing you? Or rather, think about it and see whether it applies in your life. What would your story be if your life is casted as a movie? Think about it.

Oops, too high in typing too much le... Gtg study... chaoX!


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