Wednesday, November 09, 2005

school started

Today is the third day and I have gotten 2 assigned projects... Eeks!!! That is irritating... haha... today is wining session...

Hi guys, still having holidays? Good old ye... Its so good to have holidays... Now I understand again... Boredom is one who creates it... not holidays which brings about it. Now, I shall psycho myself in liking school once again. Oh yea!!

Please tag in my board, anything will do... if you are reading my blogs... lolx... can keep urself anonymous also can la... (call urself xiaoming or something) But frankly, I really wanna know who you are.

Thats all for now, Take care once again!


Blogger ChuuKoHin said...

Update your blog la... Your life is so filled with activities, must share some of your experiences with us le. :P

10:46 pm  

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