Thursday, March 03, 2011

Journeying into the unknown

Dear blog,

I had stepped deep into the journey of unknown, swimming into seas that the bottom cannot be seen. It is a bold step of faith, courage and hope. Why do I step into this unknown where there future is muddy? This is because I BELIEVE. I see within these muddy waters, there is something more in that. Everything I am doing must have a purpose, if not, I would have found myself to be of no worth. If I had not made change in anyone in my past few years, I am basically a breathing, moving, eating, shitting animal. NOTHING more.

Ever thought deep in the middle of the night, What's my purpose? *Don't know leh...* WHY are you born HERE for??????????????????????????????????

After deep thoughts, I have decided, TO GIVE PURPOSE!!! TO MAKE CHANGE!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

5 Years!!!

It had been 5 years since I last logged in this blog. I have simply no idea why do I stumble back into this space of emptiness and load of stuff I'd written back when I was younger. Looking back, I have truly grown so much, both physically and mentally. Things are no longer what it used to be. Change is indeed the constant that keeps me going and it will continue to upkeep my lifestyle.

Looking at the considerable dust I have 'collected' for the past 5 years, I hope I can just clean up my thoughts and put up new thoughts. Thoughts of faith, hope & love. Thoughts of courage, honesty and integrity. Keep looking up here for new stuffs.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Paradigm Shifts

Every heard of the Paradigm shift? It is actually the changing of pattern of what one thinks, feels, does and belives. There are many aspects and dimensions of how it shifts, why it shifts and the results of its shifting. What I have learned so far from many (eG. from Church, School, Systems, Family, Surroundings, People etc.) will result in the way I think and act.

Based on the so called 'mind-analysis' or 'calculation' based on logic and thinking, man have the ability to have the will or the decisive force to make his or her own decision on things like response, feelings, actions and beliefs. These abilities have actually formed in the human since we begin thinking as child even.

However, due to past good/bad experiences, teachings from others like values and beliefs, people become sometimes, programmed to react, response and feel for certain things they thought is similar to their past experiences. In such, sometimes man may turn to a shut down system.

Ever being triggered by some words/scenes/actions and you completely shut down your mind towards it? Or felt tremendous fear/happiness due to that certain trigger factor? YePs, once we experienced certain things, we either turn to it to some positive reaction or simply shut down for the sakes of whatever you think may occur the same again.

These basic logic thinking of humans could either be good or bad. It will help one to monitor the 'dangers', 'safety' or 'neutral' part of the situation. Its like you know what to do when something arises. In another term, its the so called 'human-instincts' in us that tells us what to do or how to react. However, these 'human-instincts' that is sub-consciously in us could sometimes be bad as well.

Why do I say that? Ever saw people exaggeratingly react to certain things they experienced? Like phobias, anger, devastation or even intention to kill/destroy. This results in the over-reaction of certain experiences that results in a person's mentality to think/thought that they are in extreme danger or malice that they begin to act in exaggeration.

Yes, I admit that not many of us have such tendencies. However, what I believe that everyone has a mild symptoms of such. Examples are like the kids will never play with fire once they know they will be burnt, some will learn their lessons through 'serious' discipling or threat, and others will simply not touch certain things like gambling/smoking/drug taking once they saw the results of others being devoured in illness, addiction and devastating results of the acts. These are actually the so called 'good' examples being showed.

However what I want to talk about is actually skepticism & cynicism. Skepticism is actually the avoidance or also known as shutting down of certain topics that is being conversed or talked about in conversations or communications. Many have sticked to what they thought certain things are and forever will be that they refuse to mention and think that it is as it is, already. Hence, they would find these conversations meaningless and useless. What ever that is being spoken by the other party would render totally useless and no point to the skeptical person who has already shut off once the title/word/agenda is being spoken. This is especially applicable to the elderly (no offense) and some others who have stucked to a certain thinking of certain topics. This is probably why you have heard that some people are stubborn and stiff-necked and refuse to see another pespective that may be a possibility for them.

What I want to say is that man should see things in different pespective. There are many angles and dimensions of things have man have not seen before concluding certain things. That is probably why debates are always on and there is never an end to conversations. I know there are others out there to also critisize what I have typed. But, frankly speaking, who cares? I do not really care what you think about what I said. I just type what I have seen, throwing in my 1cent worth of comments to things. Why bother with what I said right? But really, think about it, spare a thought for yourself, calculate for your own sakes, or at least for your future. What is really the right things for you to do currently. Practice what I believe, delay gratification, a certain mindset thought by my mentor in school, company.

Gratification is the level of satisfaction one gets from performing certain task or action. Be it temporary or permanent. What I feel is that we should put our priorities right. Delay Gratification was introduced to me when I was about secondary 4. What is means? To many gamers, the gratification we get is from completing the game we have right before us, as a result, we did not prioritize our time well and hence, our studies become affected. To me, it was rugby and lan-gaming in my eariler school days. With delay gratification introduced, I become more time-minded. We have 24hrs everyday, what we do with it will result in what will become or not become in the future. If we have done our homework today, we will not be punished by our teachers tomorrow. If we did not finished our work promptly, we would not have experienced a promotion at almost 90%. Realized the world 'IF'? It is the common excuse many of us have given to shine away from our responsibility or results of what we did not do. What it means? I have read a book, it gave an illustration.

It simply meant ' I want to be punished by my teacher because I really did not do my homework, but 'IF' I had, I would not be punished' (A choice was given, to do or not to do, but for the sakes of Instant gratification, I had to play the game before I do my homework, but when I wanted to do, it was too late, well, 'If I hadnt played, I would be able to do my homework') Realize again that another excused was given resulted in the fact that for the sakes of instant gratification, I would give the excuse that it was too late.

Many of what I learned came from experiences that made me self-reflected many times on my way back home on a bus, I was assessing my day, every now and then, I would never want my day to be of waste or, another day. I wasted a total of 1 year in secondary school doing things that were never constructive. I kind of wasted 1 year of my life simply doing nothing, making bad friends, giving plenty of excuses.

There are so many things to share about Paradigm Shifts, many of the experiences made me think more, reflect more and do more of what I have ever done. I would love to share more of the revelations I have in the near future and I hope that life will be changed from these. Dont stay the same, keep changing, from better to better, smarter to smarter. Its like what I learned in church, people grow from glory to glory, to strength to strength, from faith to faith. Every level will lead you to a higer destiny. Find it, Fulfill it.

What am I on Earth for? -Purpose Driven Life-

Shit Happens, Whine & Stay The Same or Decide To Flow & Live Out of It -=State oF minD=-

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Howdy! Have been slacking at home since morning.

In totaly concentration for my fitness test later. I am totally bored @ home and its killing me!!! I am going to well today. I am pretty sure. Gonna beat my previous records. This is what I call outlive.

Well, just wish me all the best. ChaoX, gonna get prepared to head school le... ByEz

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Back from my 2 weeks of MIA yea? YePs, have been quite busy with training and watching anime lately. =D Slacking around now and checking my mails, seems like there are dozens for me to check. Was kinda lazy to go online nowadays too, no idea why, perhaps because, ITS HOLIDAYS still... By right, I should have more time to go online and so on, but by left, I seem to be unenergized to go online. Why? There is no definate answers actually.

Just thinking of revamping myself a little. Nop3, not fashion, not hairstyle (at least for this month)... BUT......

YES, YEs, Yes, yes...LifestylE...

I am going to go on a healthier lifestyle actually. In what terms, actually, Diet, Lifestyle(Sleeping), Execising... Discipline in all these actually. Lets see what is going to happen in sem 2.2 then... Not gonna meet many of my classmates, not going to really go out (have fun), cos financial difficulty (=D)

I wanna learn more skills too at the same time, the ability to empower via communication, mastery quotations. Yea?

For I am also Subjecting Myself To The State of Mental & Physical Challenge, Its Hard But The Results Will Be Sweet. Yes, definately a leveling technique, both mentally and physically. Of cause, my soul & spirit too... Thats all for now, be ready to see a slight change in me... probably, darker, fatter, stonier, stupider, smarter... Just let your imagination run wild. =D yeps...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Finally Back

Finally able to post again. Its been few weeks since Ive typed something. This is becuase time did not allow me to post anything due to exams, things to catch up on after exams and time scheduling. But ultimately, I was actually lazy to post. Lolx...

Many things happened since my exams. This is considered a new season to me after my exams. Holidays are going on and I am going to focus on my training now. Training should be about almost everyday.

Went out with my classmates last week for a late birthday celebration for my classmates (about 5 of them), went to Ramenten (Jap Rest.) @ Far East and we were having lots of fun over there. We had Anson, the ultimate birthday cordinator doing all the dirty job for us (lol, he is all feared in our class during birthdays) Smashing the cakes @ the birthday gals + innocent people around also 'kenna' too hahaha!!! Then we went to play pool, almost everyone sucked @ it anyways, I was never good @ it. lolx... Had dinner @ Bugis and we went shopping around with our final destination @ Coffee Bean (Bugis) Really hope your guys had fun that day. I know I had fun, but wasnt 'high' enough to do stupid things like I did with my buddies. Yeps... Lucky never take too funnie photos, otherwise u all anyhow put @ friendster make me maLu... =D

As I head on a new beginning, so as my church is going to the next level, Pastor has been preaching more and more about the marketplace. Yes! We are going into the Marketplace like never before, with a pure and genuine heart, we are going to excel in the things we do, ultimately glorifying our God in heaven.

Results will be out in a few more days, I hope that everyone I know will be able to score good grades. I am most worried about my calculas actually, the others would not be a problem. Just my calculas, if i fail this elective, I am most certainly going to Sem 4.1. Think I would need all the help I can get for my calculas if I 'kenna' Sub-paper (hmmm... nevertheless, I will always stay in high hope before the results are out) God bless me, wooOo!!!! All the best man!!!!

Thats all for now, everything Ive typed are pretty general, there are too much details within the events. After all, Ive missed out several days of posting. ChaoX!

Signed off!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Preparation for Exams

Just had 2 exams today. Namely bus stats and DBIS. Think can pass both wee!!! ^^

Now left with 4 more papers like Mafit, Calculas(most hated subject), POM and EBM...

Gonna JIAyoUs...

GiVe Me SuPPorTTTT!!!

Oh I nEed You, GOD!!!