Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chien Sing's Birthday

Today's post is exceptionally early due to a special event, CHIEN SING's birthdaY!!! WooO!!!

Had to plan with my friends on how to make that celebration a success, we went through the list of things to buy for Bbq, prizes for friends, games and invitation of friends. Thanks to the efficient and effectiveness of our team, we were able to plan all these within 2-3 days. (Which I want to deeply apologize for inviting my classmates on such a last min timing, understood that National Day is a Public Holiday for family day for many of you, wont blame you guys for not being able to turn up, =D)

We had an extremely fun and exciting time over at thE Bbq today. Everything went well I supposed. Its just that our Bbq went beyond budget, think my estimation of the bbq was overly estimated, there was simply alot of food left after the Bbq. We took bout 100+ pictures (using my 2 mega pixel cam HP which I mentioned in the earlier post that it was upgraded) Ive uploaded them onto my newly created photobucket, an online picture storage website @ <---- Contains many obscene stuffs and undesirable pictures... Danger... Rated R-21 Enter at your own risk!!!

Think I'll say on behalf on Chien Sing to thank all the friends who turned up today for his birthday celebration. (guess about 30+ ppl ard) And I wanna thank those who helped up in the Bbqing of the food, helping out in serving new friends, making the friends feel comfortable and of cos, the great facilities & amenities provided by Joseph (Angie's friend) and his Mum (who helped out in tidying the place and teaching us how about Bbq tips) Thank you for making it happening!!!

Haha... Hope Chien Sing likes the gift our Cg and buddies had given him. They included a 77th street comtemporay jacket, a buckler belt (simple one) and a T-shirt which fitted with the jacket from bugis. Haha, guess my friend Claire's got a good taste with that T-shirt, <---- she spotted it... So jelous loR, cant have the shirtX... =D

Hope Chien Sing would have a change in his fashion style... Now 18th lE, YounG Adult Liao, muz dress with more style man... FooO!!! Guess it was a good day for the buddies to re-gather and bond again once again to reminisce the days of our sec school life... Think we were quite a nasty bunch who had so much fun when we were yonger. Now all becoming like suai ges and yandaos (except me, <--- act humble =D) Lolx... Was talking bout LaoLiu, Dora Lee and many other interesting teachers we had when we were sec 3 and 4. There was so much to talk about. Lolx... Hope we'll have such gatherings soon after our exams.

(The Buddies: Augustine, Chien Sing, FenGxun, Jeremy, Jimmy and Justin...) Why got so many starts with J one? zzZ!!!

Thats all for now, haha ChaoX!!! LatErX!!!


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