Thursday, June 16, 2005

Just being true-my testimony

In life, many people are changing and wearing masks constantly to cover up the ugly truths about themselves. At different occasions, masks will be changed constantly so that the mask will fit into situations. To me, these masks are actually our shields to 'protect' ourselves because we are vulnerable to attacks from others. Maybe I am wearing a caring/selfless mask to cover my mistakes and temper I once had? But truthfully, I find myself constantly wearing this particular caring and selfless mask around in any situation I am in. Perhaps, this is not a mask I am wearing; it is a character that I have developed.

Truth of the matter is that I was once a really hot-tempered, easily irritated/annoyed person. I was always sprouting vulgarities and getting into unnecessary disputes. Soon, I found myself getting into trouble and with the disciplinary committee, with records of playing truant. After that, I found myself failing in most of my subjects in the final year which led me to retaining in Sec3.

I was depressed and I found no purpose in living in this world. ("What is the purpose of me living in this world" I thought. ("Perhaps it’s just earning money? Enjoying life? Going through a relationship and get married, have children, retire, die?) (that’s like so purposeless, living in this world, going through a tough time studying, earning money, seeing things go wrong, watching the world struggling in natural disasters, economic problems and social problems (Is it mainly just to have lots of money and enjoying it? )

However, there was a change in me after I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. There is a sense of peace and purpose in my life. Loving the friends and family members around me, I become clear of the identity of myself in the things I do. Now, I am just caring and help people. Its in me, God has changed my heart.

Just want to let those who are not saved to know, there is a person who really loves you, and that is Jesus Christ. For it says in the bible that for those who believe in Him will not be perished in the times of judgment and will have eternal life. Just want to share this joy with you. Live a life full of purpose and love. Dont just wear a mask so to protect yourselves(for we are weak, but He is strong), but rather, let God cloak you with righteousness and holiness. For those who are obligated to other religions, just want to share my testimony to you all, no offense. However, do not hesitate to come to me if you need help. Though I am a Christian, but I am also imperfect, so please forgive me if I have offended anyone.

With Love,


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