Sunday, September 25, 2005

Moving into the Coxswain

Hey 05s63, all the best for your promos and examinations! May the Lord of all bless you people with good memory and great understanding and may your soul prosper. 1E04 people, may we meet again next semester and lets excel in our studies! N102 people, may God grant us wisdom and love, that we may share the gospel and our testimonies to others and may N102 score the best amongst JA zone. Haha... wishing everyone good luck and all the best for everything they do! God bless!

Hmmm.... wheehx... finally the dragon boat freshies are getting a brand new T-shirt... Cant wait to wear it to school to show off... :p... haha.... Heyx people that are reading this blog... Juz wanna let u all know that I am working as hard as u all do... some people who are working outside for extra bucks, have lots of rest and keep urself healthy man. Those taking exams, have chicken essense before every paper, it really helps. Those who are slacking at home and doing nothing except facing the box for 24/7, get ur butts up and go for some excercises outside man.

And those playing games, dont push urself too hard in the game man. (dont even see u pushing hard in life) know the limits of the body and have sufficient rests... Those in church shining for the Lord, keep ur minds renewed daily, keep ur prayers stong and fervant!

Haha, btw, Coxswain is a steerman who usually hangs out at the back of the dragon boat, I am that! Lolx... Kinda fun, but I love rowing more, it makes me pespire (which means work out, and of cos, LOSE WEIGHT, weeeeeeeee!!!!)

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Heyx guys... Lolx... havent been updating my blog... really sorry, komei... NOW, exams are over... But, new waves of stress is coming up... And I am enjoying the ride of stress Lolx... Somehow I dunno why I can stand the waves of stress... I guess its the grace of God upon my life. Praise the Lord!

Well, as I end my semester, so do I end my job as a class representative. Really thank 1E04 for giving me a chance to see what I am really capable of doing. You people should try being a class rep too, its kinda challenging for me I believe, I get to get 20 seal points for being a class rep too, its a really good offer for 1 semester Lol! I guess I am not a leading material lolx.. but at the same time, I dont really hang out with chickens too. I am kinda weird person to be truth lolx.

By the way, I can start entertaining again, yea... Thats the best part... Always look out for the other side of me... But I always shy one... =.="

Heyx by the way... tell ye all a good news... I am officially a Dragon Boater... yea! I passed the selection test. It was totally awesome when I heard the news. Although I didnt turn up for today's training because I overslept. -_-! hehx... Well... congratz me lolx!!! Thats all about me for now... Juz here to say GOD IS GOOD TO ME!!!