Sunday, October 30, 2005

Looking ahead of what is there for me

Hi guys... I am toooooooo bored liao... hence writing something...

My training schedule is so tight, I even got confused with the 3 session training last week for this week. Went to school at 830am in the morning and found out that the training is at 11am at kallang. And its ONLY ONE session!!! =.="... went to bedok to eat prawn noodles then took at detour bus back near my house, then to kallang. What a waste of time. I am SOooooo Sleepy now actually... Juz wanna check out my friendster and blog for a moment... so bored... lolx... should be sleeping instead...

Tio scolded by my senior for sleeping too late the day before. Couldnt focus, kept screwing up my pull-ups... (still a burden to my teammates actually, they have to support me so much) lolx!!! Felt guilty................

REcently, I've been focusing too much on my training that I forgo much of the things I ought to be doing. Like spending time with family and friends. And especially with God... back slided abit sia... God! I wanna come back to You... Please grant me strength!!! Oh Lord!!!

Sigh, today's blog isnt at all interesting. I am kinda like wining all the time... Should be doing that lolx!

Service today was awesome, Pst Robb Thompson shared some principles about friends and relationships. I am gonna summarize it abit over hear. So gonna read closely.

7 most important people in out life, how we know and regconize them?

1. Those who inspire us to do the right things and to obey.
2.Those who are driven by integrity.
3.Those who are assigned to our future.
4.Those who are God-given friends.
5.Those who celebrate you rather than tolerate you.
6.Those who unlock your gratitude.
7.Those who awaken your generosity.

Very summarized version. Gotto ask me to explain if u dunno wahah! Thats all for now... Take care all beloved, faithful readers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Havent been writing blogs for the past... hmmm 1 months and dunno how many weeks. I am so laaaazzzzzy to write now a days... Hi guys... did u miss my nonsense? Well... guess u dont... cos its too lame... whaahha

Finally the Jc ppl are entering their holidays... well... find something to do for your holidays then. Perhaps a trip overseas could get ye refreshed? Or some work off at Orchard might bring you some extra income. (haha might even get hit by some hunk or babe)

I am now training very hard for my Dragon Boat. We are having regatta on November. Cheer me on ppl! Haha... I am also entering a metamorphasis stage now. Gonna see the new me next time manx...

School is reopening for the poly students and I am looking forward to it so much. Why? Because there are girls in school to look at wahahah (lolx kiddin la), gonna change class... Kinda curious to find out whom I will meet in my new tutorial group and class... Yea... hopefully I can meet up with my ex-classmates Ian or Brian. Yea!!!! However, gonna miss 1E04 ppl (or if we are fated, we might end up in the same class) wahaha!

okay, thats all for now... gonna go slack again le la... Saint's Spirit Foreva Be With You!!! God bless!