Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Days of our lives

Realised I never mention much about my friends in this blog. Especially the daily activities I had done with my classmates. Well... Guess I'm gonna concentrate abit on talking about my classmates.

Well, guess I'll go back to some of my memories last week. My course oraganised a fulsol match last saturday and there were around 8 teams. The matches are all knock-out matches, once lose, gonez... Well, my team was formed by 6 players. They are namely Justin, Ri Xiong, Roy, Caspar, Kelvin and myself. It was a 5-5 match and it was our first game together as classmates(never had any practices at all -.-) We played with a team called PORK and we were trashed 6-1 flat and hence, instantly knocked out. Well, this seems like a failure, but the fact is that our team didnt have any practices and many of us were not at 100% too. Guess it was a very good experience for us. (good thing is that there was seal points( known as cca pts in poly) for that activity and we were pretty happyabout it)

We vowed to take revenge............. well, actually by eating PORK chop on monday. There monday came and we CHIONG to take our revenge, "PORK CHOP ONE" I shouted to the western food uncle, he echoed with a smooth voice saying " pOrK cHoP one" Having my Pork Chop... I came to realise the news of people in China eating diseased pork... I went bonkers and went fasenjing... hmm... but in the end, I still finished the pork chop(very hungry la)...

After that my group of Roy,Joseph,Justin, Ri xiong and myself went to do our Communication skills project. While doing our project, Justin, the Steamed-one, saw my file and took out my precious wu ling mi ji(martial arts scripture)... (my classlist with birthdates) I couldnt stop him as his qi gong was too good. He took out and compared the birthdates. He realised that most of our group members are all OLDER than him!!! He steamed and started calling us uncles and ah-peks.

Xiong-Ge is the oldest among us and many of us thought that he was actually 17... Guess the proverb: Never judge a book by its cover was really worth describing the scenerio.

Well, lots of funny things happened in my school and I wish to share them through this blog. Hope you readers enjoy it... I'll be sharing more in time to come, with much more spices I'm adding to spice up the reading. Don't concentrate too much on the language, I'm using a mixture of singlish and english and chingish and hokkeinish and so on... If you mind too much about the texts and language, you will go ZHUO HUO RU MO(self-destruction)... then evolve to become YAO NIE ( monster)... English will deteriorate and eventually, become like mine... MUAH!


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