Saturday, August 26, 2006

Preparation for Exams

Just had 2 exams today. Namely bus stats and DBIS. Think can pass both wee!!! ^^

Now left with 4 more papers like Mafit, Calculas(most hated subject), POM and EBM...

Gonna JIAyoUs...

GiVe Me SuPPorTTTT!!!

Oh I nEed You, GOD!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Prepration FenGxology Studies

Hey, back once again. Its been fine these few days, nothing much happened. Was initially intending to go and watch the FireWorks @ Esplanade, but did not go because I have predicted that the crowd and amount of people going would go loose on that day. (+ many other factors of cos)

Oh well, what I wanna share actually is about the two Church services I went on, Saturday and Sunday. Guess you peeps would not want to miss it. Who would have thought of me going for two services, (thought you go church like once a week only nia meh? Why go two? Why extra?, you might ask) But frankly speaking, church going is not an obligation to me, its a choice to me. I choose to go church and learn about the things being thought there is because I know I can apply the things in life that have been thought to me in church. Whats more, the church is known to be the nearest place to God, its like the gate between Earth and Heaven (its a spiritual 'paradise' where man would never know unless God reveals Himself to him/her about it) Who would not want to be as near as to the living God that created the heavens and the Earth?

Yes, the question, what did I attended two services. Answer is easy, its because the church is conducting this church-wide marrige seminar for all members. Any persons of any age could attend even if you are not married or attached. Or even if you are in your primary school, single, homo-sexual(no offense), old. Any age, anyone.( As long as you can listen and understand, NPs) I guess its the first time in 17 years that pastor was gonna conduct this seminar. -=Interesting point, whats my reason for attending SUCH seminar?=- Well, its actually good to have a depth of understanding what marriage is actually about even before you enter into attachment or engagement, or even marriage right? To know what marriage is, its purpose and reason? Its maintenance? These were all shared in that seminar.

It has been like 4 sessions out of about 14 already. Out of the 4 I went for 3 I supposed. Last week was based on: The role and responsibility of women in the marriage (Sat) and role and responsibility of men in the marriage (Sun). I was fascinated by what pastor shared and it was good knowledge and revelation to me. There were so many things shared based on roles and responsilities that I dont think I can finish typing or sharing. I guess its amazing to have a wonderful church I can go to, to be entranced by the things shared and to experience the presence of God so real to me.

Point over here, I am not trying to promote my church or to boost on how good my church or anything is. I am simply sharing my experience in church and I would love to share this with my friends whom may not know, that I am a Christian (Hope I am living like one in your eyes, =D)

Just to inform: There are 8 more sessions on Making Marriage Work available and I think I know that some are extremely interesting topics like sex. (Stop fantasizing, zzz) Think you can find out more about it @ =D The dates are different, you can come down if you want to know more about marriage. Dont think its too early, because one day you are gonna get married. =D lolx!!! (Stupid teenager over here trying to promote marriage, noob =D)

By the way, if you dont how what is my church, I am going to tell you now,
ITS CITY HARVEST CHURCH, (I know some of you have misconceptions about CHC, well just want to let you know, we are human beings too, and humans makes mistakes, only the Holy God is heaven is sinless and perfect. As a church, we are also not perfect, some of us may have hurt or disappoint you, (I know for even myself may disappoint and hurt you)

I would like to apologize on behalf of that person and apologize myself to you who may have hurt or irritated you due to our conduct. Hope you would not hold a grudge against us, =D Give us a chance to invite you once again and see how it goes wont you?

Actually, going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Why not give it a shot?

-=A church is never perfect, if its pefect, it would never need people like you and I and there would be nothing and no one who could attend that church because no human is perfect, would you agree?=-

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chien Sing's Birthday

Today's post is exceptionally early due to a special event, CHIEN SING's birthdaY!!! WooO!!!

Had to plan with my friends on how to make that celebration a success, we went through the list of things to buy for Bbq, prizes for friends, games and invitation of friends. Thanks to the efficient and effectiveness of our team, we were able to plan all these within 2-3 days. (Which I want to deeply apologize for inviting my classmates on such a last min timing, understood that National Day is a Public Holiday for family day for many of you, wont blame you guys for not being able to turn up, =D)

We had an extremely fun and exciting time over at thE Bbq today. Everything went well I supposed. Its just that our Bbq went beyond budget, think my estimation of the bbq was overly estimated, there was simply alot of food left after the Bbq. We took bout 100+ pictures (using my 2 mega pixel cam HP which I mentioned in the earlier post that it was upgraded) Ive uploaded them onto my newly created photobucket, an online picture storage website @ <---- Contains many obscene stuffs and undesirable pictures... Danger... Rated R-21 Enter at your own risk!!!

Think I'll say on behalf on Chien Sing to thank all the friends who turned up today for his birthday celebration. (guess about 30+ ppl ard) And I wanna thank those who helped up in the Bbqing of the food, helping out in serving new friends, making the friends feel comfortable and of cos, the great facilities & amenities provided by Joseph (Angie's friend) and his Mum (who helped out in tidying the place and teaching us how about Bbq tips) Thank you for making it happening!!!

Haha... Hope Chien Sing likes the gift our Cg and buddies had given him. They included a 77th street comtemporay jacket, a buckler belt (simple one) and a T-shirt which fitted with the jacket from bugis. Haha, guess my friend Claire's got a good taste with that T-shirt, <---- she spotted it... So jelous loR, cant have the shirtX... =D

Hope Chien Sing would have a change in his fashion style... Now 18th lE, YounG Adult Liao, muz dress with more style man... FooO!!! Guess it was a good day for the buddies to re-gather and bond again once again to reminisce the days of our sec school life... Think we were quite a nasty bunch who had so much fun when we were yonger. Now all becoming like suai ges and yandaos (except me, <--- act humble =D) Lolx... Was talking bout LaoLiu, Dora Lee and many other interesting teachers we had when we were sec 3 and 4. There was so much to talk about. Lolx... Hope we'll have such gatherings soon after our exams.

(The Buddies: Augustine, Chien Sing, FenGxun, Jeremy, Jimmy and Justin...) Why got so many starts with J one? zzZ!!!

Thats all for now, haha ChaoX!!! LatErX!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My phOny...

HeyX DeRe!!! BacK from my few days break of writing blogs. What should I talk about first. Hmm... Let me see... Well... I GOT MY HANDPHONE W800I back!!! With a new cam and upgraded OS. Thats so cooLx!!! I totally missed my HP man. No music on my way to school or anywhere for the last few days. It was like being in hell in every bus I was in. Totally unpromising. But, thanks to soNy Ericson, I am back with my handphone, with much new style!!! Just wanna thank my Mum too for taking so much trouble for finding the freakin receipt to enable the warranty. Otherwise I might have to spend like 80+++ for the repairs.

Well, last weekend we had our Festival of Praise(FOP) and church 17th aniversary which was held at Singapore Indoor Stadium(SIS) These 2 events are held annually and it is a major event for us. Love the live music bands like Christian City Church(extremely lively and catchy, we are singing more of the songs they composed, keep loving it) band and Don Moen(btw, his voice is so beautiful, it sounds so angelical and heavenly, thank God for his talent) and his band around man. I had the chance to usher near the floor area where I could see them in close!!! FooO!!!! Love IT!!!!

DragonBoat training was cool too. Our juniors finally have the chance to train with us for the very first time. Guess it was cool to cox(steer in simple terms, if still dunno, GO CHECK THE DICTIONARY) on their boat. Though it was pretty unsyncro, but I could felt their strength. Its on the rise, slowly and yet steadily. However, I guess those guys are extremely enthu about shouting and having high moral. Keep that up, I would need more stR in rowing than shouting in the future. And plS, you guys gotto hear the coxswain's comand. (unless I was too soft?, which I doubted)

Next comes to the August Birthday Babies... IT IS SO VERY FUSTRATING TO HAVE SO MANY OF YOU BORNED IN AUGUST!!! ARGh.... I am going to spend a bomb on you guys... Haha!!! (that noob brain of mine saying, stop sprouting such nonsense in front of my bros and sis borned in the month of august, you are supposed to BLESS them... yea?) oOps... Lolx sry for being offensive.. I was just trying to giving justification to my wallet. But I know that their birthdays are beyond what my pocket matters. Its the hearts affairs, superior authority yea? Haha!!! Yeps, just wanna wish you guys the best for your studies, relationships, finance and LIFE!!! May those suai gEs get many Mei Meis and may those Mei Nue get many Yandaos... Haha!!! Wat a stupid birthday blessing... But i know you guys and gals really want It yea? Go get em all man...!!! wooo!!!! hapPY PeoplE!!!

More to be updated... Catch them later maN...!!!

Empowerment Comes by The Showing of True Sincerity of Care & Concern With A Touch of Challenge Towards One -=TalK=-

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hair with a STYLE!!!

ArGh... I am reluctant to post on a new blog... Becuase the last one took alot of efforts writing...And it still looks fresh!!! But, what went by has to go off... Well, now is a new chapter of freshness!!!

Whats the new chapter? Woo!!!! Ive got a hair Cut, with a word, STYLE added onto it... Thought of changing a new hairstyle initially, but I have been with my long hair for quite a while, got relationship le.. So decided to continue leaving it long I guess.

Went through my most hated subject test today!!! CALCULAS!!! Never liked math or anything related to it... I had to pass the test today which consist of 5% of my coursework if not I will fail and I'll have to take sub-paper!!! But I think my cal teacher hinted me that I passed it... Wooo!!! Sign of relief yea?

OK, now the next obstacle is my DBIS, need some help from Kelvin I guess.

Finally, the TPDB juniors' selection is over!!! No more additional training sessions, can at least do some self-training on the way at the same time. The juniors have now intergrated together with the seniors' training schedule. Lets bring up the juniors together with us and lets head on towards our goal!!! The championship of next race!!! Those we were not selected do not be dishearted, for Perseverance is the essence of what one wants. Have you guys forgotten the word, TPDB? It stands for:

[T]echnique [P]reseverance [D]iscipline [B]onding

Technique Brings Forth Correctness That Ultimately Leads To Precision Though With Little Distinction -=Observation=-

Perseverance Casts Out The Possibility Of Fluctuation As Willpower Takes Charge While Distraction Whimpers -=UrgencY=-

Discipline Generates A Wall Of Seriousness That Never Allows Turmoil To Sneak In. Know When To Be Focused, Relaxed, Humorous And Discipline. -=SeasonS=-

Bonding Is Attained By Involving, Threshing It Out, Going Through Thick And Thin, Understanding, As Well As Acknowledgement. -=ConnectioN=-

Who came up with all these definitions? Tell you the truth, its Hak Loon... I just complexify(if there is such a word) it!!! (Dont expect me to explain such things in reality, I'll speak like a nut brain...) =D No la... lolx... I'll do my best to explain it la... Its like a feeling, you cant really describe it... You gotto feel it for yourselves.

Supprises comes beyond what your always least expect, its the secret to impression -=BlueprinTs=-