Saturday, July 30, 2005

Komei... Took my whole life to update this blog... Lol

Finally... the most wonderful script writer is back to write nonsense for his readers to entertain them. Seriously... I apologize for my slow slow slow slow reaction to update this blog... You see, as I am a very busy businessman, dealing with clients all day long and doing documenting, I have little time to update this blog to entertain you people... Well, I guess even in the misy of my business, I could still entertain you all. Hmm all this nonsense, its all due to my laziness la actually. (NOT FUNNY LOR)

ok... Serious issues, I think I am going to share with the readers more of myself more through this blog. Hope you all can connect with me next time when I am out with you people. Heh... I'll talk more about my daily activities and my experiences in life...


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