Monday, July 31, 2006

Combat Skirmish & OverNight MoVie!!!

Wow!!! Its been an awesome as well as extremely tiring weekend. Had a superb birthday celebration together with a mid-night movie session with Claire and her friends namely, Ben, Shamus, Stuart aka Birthday Boi, Vincient, Kezia on Friday after my CG.

We watched 'LakeHouse' if I am not wrong. It was a kind of a touching romance movie, talking about how this couple namely Keanu Reeves(all the girls go, Ahhh) and Sandra Bullocks(Heard from my friend she's a playmate in play***) met and developed love even when they were two years apart. (Did anyone think I dont enjoy romance shows and was bored? No way I was bored even it was 3 or 4 am in the morning, cos its a totally nice show, and I would prefer to sleep at home, FREE than anywhere else right? All AGREES!!!)

This show is proudly recommended by Mr FenGx, its 4 out of 5 stars!!! Muz watch!!!

NexT dAy (saT), Mr FenGx rotted on his bed from 540am -620am shorty after he reached home, (smsing how proud he was reaching home eariler than the REST =D of his friends)
Woke up and went to take a bathe and got himself ready, for the days' event. THE COMBAT SHIRMISH EVENT!!! *CheeRs... *wooo!!! *Fooo!!!

This was proudly presented by !!! This event is an all time yearned event this half of the year by my BB(Boys Brigade) Boys @ TaoNan school. What is it? Its a Real-Live Simulation Counter-Strike(CS) game where 2 teams will battle and face out in a *map (could be sentosa, east coast, Fort Canning Park(wooo where went went) and actually, anywhere as long as there is space) And to kill one another with laser(infra-red) weapons that could ranged from (60m-120m), (2kg-3kg). The team with the least amount of spawns(deaths) WINs!!!

It was ULTI COOL!!! Although Mr FenGx only had officially, 40mins of sleep, (dont count me sleeping in bus la, [oops another 40mins Dere actually =D)], he was hyped up the moment we went for the Shoot-out of 15 vs 15. (Think I'll skip the boring part of waiting, assembling and ROTTING okAy?) Well, we had strategies planned out with my boys(P4-6) and we went ahead to take on the BLUE team. That was a horrible match, we lost by 1 respawns. SiGhxxx... Commando FenGx was killed TWICE!!! no...!!!! I dunNo how, he was like totally OWNED by the enemies. (OWNAGE) After that we went for 3rd place match and eventually WON the opponent team. Wooo!!! love it... The only thing I hated was that I got shot consecutively 4 times (you have 7 Health Packs b4 death) by a single BOY!!!, that was like, SO humiliating!!!

We eventually closed up with up with a P6 vs officers match. What Happened? 3 respawns to 7 respawns. Who WON? well, thats for you to ask me then!!!

After That I went off for ministry at church and went for an amazing Service with Pastor Mike Connell(an overseas preacher who comes once a yr kind) preaching and bringing deliverance. I was blown away by what happened, even a regular member like me is always shocked by what our leaders can do. I mean, there is so much transformation in the members and we could see it literally. ( I must admit that I was transformed by God in many ways which I could write compositions upon compositions on how I was changed)

Joy is being brought to my life ever now and then, surprises are constantly brought out when faith is set upon God's hand. You never know what is gonna happen. That is a walk with God, the exciting adverturous journey that one will never cease to give up when he is hooked.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Hi guys, just updated my blog with a new video html!!! Hope you like the song... Its call 'Better Days' from Googoo Dolls (weird band named eh?) Haha!!! Enjoy man!

Today was a terrible day for me I guess. Got a kinda headache, migrain, neck ache feeling. I guess I had a sleeping disorder the day before. And with the contribution of my little hours sleep, it added up to a total diaster of 11am-4pm PAIN!!!

Oops, did not go for jr's trg. Sry guys, I was really feeling terrible, had to even skipped my precious gym session!!! Eah!!!! Oh well...Thank God I am FinE noW! Being able to write my blog in the middle of night at 1:35am!!!

Entering Into The Realm of The Unknown Where Faith Becomes The Compass of It all
-=Lost & FounD=-

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Had MAFIT(Management in Accounting and Finance In IT) test today. It was horrible. Think I would just pass or fail. After all, I only study for 2 and a half hours officially for it.

Well, went over to TaoNan School after my test. Its a special day today for the Boys Brigade Boys I supposed. We went over to Golden Age Baptist Old Folks Home located at Kallang to help out with brightening the day for the senior citizens.

I was simply amazed by my Boys who are from Primary 3-5. They could perform piano and violin without difficulty and it was like a piece of cake for them. I was astonished by their talents and gifts. TaoNan school is known for its reputation for bringing up smart kids. These Boys' parents are not our ordinary neighbourhood school parents. They are actually children from high ranking executives and managers parents. They could be considered the middle-higher class family group.

These group of Boys not only displayed their talents to the elderly, but they also showed their creativity with the handicrafts. They made a note books for the elderly and they also drew nice pictures on them too. What touched me was how they tried to interact with the senior citizens. Eventhough they could not communicate verbally due to the dialect differences, they Boys did an awesome job by showing signs as well as including them in the handicrafts work by asking the elderly to draw pictures and cut out cardboards.

Although I was tired, but the way the Boys acted really did energized me to do my best too. As an officer, I will not lagged out too.

Love ye, 41stj TaoNan!!!

Supprises comes beyond what your always least expect, its the secret to impression

Friday, July 21, 2006


The Composition of Legacy Creation, The Day of Full-Stop Is Written Is When You Stop Constructing New Sentences To Write. There Is No Word Limit, There Is Little Punctuation Marks, There Is No Vocabulary & There Is No Description. What Is It?

Its Your LIFE! The Moment You Stop History Making Is The Day You Will Look Back To Your Achievements & Finding It Memorable. Its When You Retire From Accomplishing New Goals.

Your Life Has No Word Limit; You Can Keep Writing and Creating New Experiences Everyday of Your Life!

The Punctuation Marks Come By When You Face Certain Things Like The Question Mark (?), Its When You Are Confused, The Exclamation mark(!), Its When You Are Astonished. However, The Moment You Type a Full-Stop Is When You Stop Constructing New Legacy.

What Vocabulary Is Needed When You Keep Using, Lah, Leh, Loh In Your Life? Lolx!!!

Most of What One Experienced Could Not Be Described Easily Because There Are Things Such As Feelings Beyond Description. Its Simply Indescribable.

Occasionally I'll think about these and look back at things and ponder. Its self-reflection, I guess we all does these kind of thinking all the time. However, those who are confused and have no heading, dont worry, you should set yourselves a goal to head towards. No matter how big or small, you guys have to accomplish them. For little successes leads to larger success. Most of what I typed are called the self-actualization stage where one had fulfilled all his or her basic needs. Its one of the highest level of fuifillment. Such examples are like:

Ever wonder what your purpose on earth is? What am I here for? Why was I created, or evoluted into such? What is beyond death? Etc... and so on. Well, some things cant be answer, while others can. Its up to our belief system. Think about it. Haha...

p.s Dont bother about this freak trying to act wise. He could be speaking nonsense psychoing you? Or rather, think about it and see whether it applies in your life. What would your story be if your life is casted as a movie? Think about it.

Oops, too high in typing too much le... Gtg study... chaoX!

Monday, July 17, 2006


I'll be doing several projects this 2 weeks. Project due dates will be due in 2 weeks already. Lets all do our best in our projects and subjects.

Today marks the end of the 2 weeks dragonboat training break. I'll be back to my training together with my beloved brothers in dragonz... Lets hope that all my juniors will be selected for the team. Lets work together and build a reputable team that will be respected, yeps!

Back to school basic: yeps. thats refering to learning the ABCs of my guitar once again. I guess I'll find some time practicing and with some help. guess it'll all be good.

Nothing much to write currently... Yea... Make more entertainment, so I can write something more? Oh well, thats all... ChiaoZ....

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The lack of sleep

LackeD of Sleep today maN... SlepT at 3am in the morning eariler and woke up at 7am (supposedly 6am) Keep falling asleep during svc.

No mood to do any laming at all. (pasehx, cant entertain one guys =D)

Healing svc today... Stood up for prayer... Healed for my Hepatitis B liao. Believe at least by faith la... Lolx... I am poisonous, dont come near me. =P

Oops, revealed my weakness, cant take it? Exactly man... Accept me as who I am... otherwise, rock on!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I had a Good Day

Its a good day today. Had a potluck with my friends and spiritual family. Just wanna thank Kelvin, Claire, Seeteng and Cindy for coming today. Free Food + Free Entertainment will come more frequently? Lolx... Hope you guys had Funx... Hehe...

ArGhx... My leg is having a soRe now... its been a few days le... Hope it will subside soon man.

Mesmerizing Times That Caught Our Attention Does Not Erase Itself Easily Until We Found It Futile -=DreamS=-

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Soccer Fanatic

OmG... Today is my first time playing soccer since one year ago! I cant imagine it man! Its been fun playing with my classmates and friends today. Totally cool!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Lol... CHanged a New Blogskin... Totally aCt cute man... Hope You guys love It...

Infact, I dont know how to create skin actually... So... Juz C & P lor...

Been ages since I updated my blog...

I wonder how some people managed to get my blog... its like, I dont publish it around... (maybe in my friendster, =.='') PondeR...

Wooo No training for 2 weeks... Can do secret training... Not bad Huh?

Nth to say le...
-=Peace Out=-