Thursday, June 30, 2005

I think I am the problem

My friends say I Pang sei/Tua (abandon) them now a days. I'm wondering if this is pressure or some psychoing comments? Its so difficult to differentiate, if I don't go by their wishes, they'll say I pang sei, if I go by it, they'll think I'm a complete follower(the chicken). What's the problem? I think I am the problem... Maybe I have compromised too much because of my over-commitment to others? Or is it my choice of putting something else first before them which caused them uneasiness? If you are my friend, I really apologize for my unintentional offense. I'm not wise enough to choose things and make things happen. Please understand and tell me about my mistake if possible. Will real friends remain as friends even if they don't always meet to go out as often as before? I'm afraid of this... Still staying optimistic about my friends around though. Strife for wisdom...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Thank you

Hey, many of you have been sending me birthday messages... Thanks for remembering my birthday. Though it is easy to spot my birthday since there is friendster reminder, but I really appreciate the effort you people gave. LOVE YE!!! hahaha... (hmmm just missed the present only whahaha) Kiddin... ur effort is much better then gifts!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Pishy - personality

This is a personaility test conducted by my school. My results are shown below. Please make comments to see whether it is accurate or not.

Your Primary Phishy Personality Factor is Peaceful Angelfish, and its Key Characteristics and General Traits is summarised as follows:

Key Personality Preferences: Reflective & Relational
Key Value Displayed: Peace (Harmony)
Key Motivator: Security (Protected)
Key Concern: Disharmony (& Fast Pace)
Key Emotion to be Harnessed: Worry (e.g. Excess Fear or Anxiety)
Key Complementing Values to be Nutured: Initiative, Integrity

Potential Strengths:
Calm (Gentle, Mild, Controlled), Peaceful (Mediating), Amiable (Friendly in a reserved manner), Kind, Patient (Tolerant, Good with Routines), Easygoing (Obliging, Agreeable, Adaptable), Cooperative (Non-Assertive), Contented (Satisfied), Consistent (Predictable), Diplomatic (Tactful, Inoffensive), Slow and Steady, Persistent, Good Listener, Loyal (Faithful, Dependable), Pleasant, Restrained (Self-Controlled)

Potential Check Points:
Compromising (in excess), Aimless (lacking in ambition or direction in life), Lack Initiative, Lazy, Unenthusiastic, Uninvolved (Withdrawn), Indecisive, Boring (Dull, Plain), Over-Kan-Cheong (Anxious, Fearful), Worrisome, Too Slow (Sluggish), Bo-Chap (Indifferent), Stingy (Calculative),Reluctant, Pessimistic

Your Secondary Phishy Personality Factor is Careful Goldfish, and its key characteristics and general traits are summarised as follows:

Key Personality Preferences: Reflective & Rational
Key Value Displayed: Perfection (Precision & Accuracy)
Key Motivator: Principles (Rules)
Key Concern: Disorder (Lack of Plan or Policy)
Key Emotion to be Harnessed: Gloominess (e.g. Depression)
Key Complementing Values to be Nutured: Compassion, Initiative, Respect, Cooperation

Potential Strengths:
Careful (Conscientious), Accurate (doing right the first time), Precise, Anaytical, Logical, Hard-working, Sensitive, Planner, Organised (Orderly, Timely, Scheduled, Systematic), Well-Mannered (Cultured), Disciplined, Compliant, Persistent, Detailed (Thorough, Meticulous), Loyal (Faithful), Gifted, Intellectual, Restrained (Self-Controlled), Comfortable with Facts and Figures.

Potential Check Points:
Fussy, Perfectionist to a fault, Over-Critical, Over-Suspicious (Sceptical), Over-Rigid (Policy must be adhered at all cost, inflexible), Over-Traditional (Conservative), Resentful (Bitter), Unforgiving (Revengeful), Difficult (hard to get along), Too Sensitive, Moody, Lonesome, Easily Depressed, Lacking in Humour, Uninvolved (Withdrawn), Not-Practical (Too Theoretical), Pessimistic.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Just being true-my testimony

In life, many people are changing and wearing masks constantly to cover up the ugly truths about themselves. At different occasions, masks will be changed constantly so that the mask will fit into situations. To me, these masks are actually our shields to 'protect' ourselves because we are vulnerable to attacks from others. Maybe I am wearing a caring/selfless mask to cover my mistakes and temper I once had? But truthfully, I find myself constantly wearing this particular caring and selfless mask around in any situation I am in. Perhaps, this is not a mask I am wearing; it is a character that I have developed.

Truth of the matter is that I was once a really hot-tempered, easily irritated/annoyed person. I was always sprouting vulgarities and getting into unnecessary disputes. Soon, I found myself getting into trouble and with the disciplinary committee, with records of playing truant. After that, I found myself failing in most of my subjects in the final year which led me to retaining in Sec3.

I was depressed and I found no purpose in living in this world. ("What is the purpose of me living in this world" I thought. ("Perhaps it’s just earning money? Enjoying life? Going through a relationship and get married, have children, retire, die?) (that’s like so purposeless, living in this world, going through a tough time studying, earning money, seeing things go wrong, watching the world struggling in natural disasters, economic problems and social problems (Is it mainly just to have lots of money and enjoying it? )

However, there was a change in me after I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. There is a sense of peace and purpose in my life. Loving the friends and family members around me, I become clear of the identity of myself in the things I do. Now, I am just caring and help people. Its in me, God has changed my heart.

Just want to let those who are not saved to know, there is a person who really loves you, and that is Jesus Christ. For it says in the bible that for those who believe in Him will not be perished in the times of judgment and will have eternal life. Just want to share this joy with you. Live a life full of purpose and love. Dont just wear a mask so to protect yourselves(for we are weak, but He is strong), but rather, let God cloak you with righteousness and holiness. For those who are obligated to other religions, just want to share my testimony to you all, no offense. However, do not hesitate to come to me if you need help. Though I am a Christian, but I am also imperfect, so please forgive me if I have offended anyone.

With Love,

Monday, June 13, 2005

Treasuring friendship

Fear strucks me as I look into the last 10 years of my life. I realise that my circle of friends isnt that large at all. I can count with my fingers and toes how many friends and best friends I have. Most of the others are merely aquiantances. I really hope to cherish the friends I have around me and I hope they will share problems with me. I hope that my friends will help me to improve myself by giving me feedbacks about myself.

Really, treasuring friendship is really important to me. Despite the differences in interests and personality, friends really stick together and help each other , picking up one another when falling.

For those whom I have not really treasured or spent enough time with, I hereby apologize to you and hope that our friendship will continue to last.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The nick area

Here to post the nicks of my classmates:
Justin: Justea(known for making the best tea) (Li-er)
Huen Luen: HL milk (recently change to banana milk(newest product) (Ling-er)
Jesline: wan jie ling (magic clean: can even clean dust in class) (Ling-er 2)
Sharon: sabo queen ( special jutsu: bloodline de, need chakara) (Ying-er)
Joseph: Korean actor, Josey/Josephine ( mix too much withe the girls =p) (Ning-er)
RiXiong: Pikachu ( always sot people) (Xiong-er)
Cherly: currently no nick
Ashley: Pokemon trainer (very commanding) (Wen-er)
Roy: currenly no nick
Casper: Yandaoz ( super suai you mei you?) (Feng-er)
FengXun: er... dunno wat nick la... DaiLou? (Feng-er 2)
HuiXin: XiaoXin/Ah Xin (Xin-er)
JinYin: Lion (fearsome one) (Yin-er)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Missed my jc mates

Lol, I'm beginning to miss my jc mates. Met them in my first 3 months in sajc. Miss my class 05s3. The people were very hospitable towards me and they were all very helpful in my first 3 months. All of them look like ordinary people, but there is something else about them, that is their intellegience and
their workability. We often joke and have fun together. I was called the super ponster of my class becuase I
always pon lectures and tutorials.

All these smart people are not only good in their studies, some are even talented in sports. Lol, this often makes me quite Zi bei (pesimistic) when I'm with them. However, they never
fail to encourage me and help me. I guess these bunch of people are out there to take on great challenges.

All the best to my JC mates. Now I got to strive for the best in my poly too... TP oieE... Frankly, poly is as fun as Jc, its just how people interprets and make it happening, enjoy, choose life!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Hey guys, have not been writing or making any changes in this blog. Pardon me as I do not have enough time to read through any html design or time to clean up these blog. Another day has passed, I am slowly intergrating into Tp system. My clique have been enlarged, my friends are all awesome. But I still miss my ex-classmates sometimes. Went to chalet with them last weekend. Had quite a lot of fun. People, if you can give me feedback about myself, I'll be great... (hinting you to give testimonials) lol... but do not hesitate to tell me about my character. I am quite open to find out about it. (but just tell me privately) :P

Feel free to chat with me too... can understand you all better then good ma... Love ye all...

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Today's topic is about my class' 1E04 entertainers. Namely: HL, Justin, Erm... still got who ah? Gimme suggestions please. In the meanwhile, as I said that these two are the main entertainers in our class. Without them, class would be like the movie 'Day after tommorrow' How cold and lost are we? Oh well, their existence is very important, like life needs water, so does soul needs humour.

Guess the class greatly appreciates you guys in our mist. Reaching out to people using humour isn't an easy thing to do. Just like anaylzing and formulating an ingredient, there must be precise and perfect calulations for it.

I have similar friends who uses such techniques to relate to people. Examples are like Akira Lim (my rugby teamate in sas) and my ex-classmate (Augustine Lim) Wow, both are Lim if you realised it. They are specialised cock talkers and humour experts.

These people in the society will have great social lives and great interaction abilities. After all, the soul really needs a tick of humour to keep it lively and workable. In other words, their PaMaPi(boot licking) techniques are at professional levels too and they can really make life exciting.

Lol, these things are based on normative ideas. If such people does not have good certificates, they can forget about entering Strategic Management or even Tactical or Operational Management. Maybe can go into Clerical and floor workers management category? Clerical sounds awesome isn't it? Well, acutally its just a professional name for clerk or cleaner. All the best to you guys out there, do well, score well and talk well.

(ZzZz... like writing special review about entertainers, personally, I really like entertainers lolx...I dont entertain though, failure at it wahaha) ^^ Cheers, readers!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A day of stress? NAhz...

Did I looked stressed in the morning? Why you people keep saying I stress ah? Lolx, perhaps my appearance and facial expressions looked really stressed in the morning because I had to do lots of "admin" things. However, it was certainly not really that stress. Great to serve you people ye know? ( *Nodz* sabo queen's head(lolx) kiddin) Pespiration(not sweat, sweating is for animals; english teacher teach de) is part of me thanks to the weather that is so cool that I couldnt really (hua xue: ski)

Dont worry about that little pespiration (tho its sometimes smelly, but I wear deodrant) LOlx... Thankx also to the kind souls who offered me tissues btw, I have lots of tissues, can ask from me if dont have also.

And btw, the joke we created through accouting was really funny. What Ah long(loan sharks) accounts, the bad debts are the amount unpayable from the people whom the ah longs have hacked to deaths. Then still got expense incurred like buying pig heads and paints to chase money from debtors. Guess the ah long account books are much more complicated then ours. So lets work hard for our subjects including Business Accounts. ALright?